What a perfect way to spend a Saturday – day tripping to Boston to see a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious performance of Mary Poppins. We all know the movie, which debuted in 1964. But, the show first appeared on Broadway only recently – in 2006. The magic still transports us to another place, where anything is possible. The group who shared this experience will all agree, I think, that spending an afternoon in the theater is a special treat, no matter how many times we’ve heard the song, “A Spoonful of Sugar!”

We have many more exciting events on the horizon. Tom leaves for Ireland in a couple of weeks; we had a lovely pre-trip meeting for all those who will be visiting the Emerald Isle with Tom. That evening gathering reminded me that we offer a very special service to our clients who travel with us on our escorted tours. It’s not just about the week or two that we spend in Ireland, or Italy, or wherever. It’s about sharing a unique experience. The people who attend any given trip create a dynamic that can not be duplicated. Often, long lasting relationships are forged. That’s what I love about the tours we provide — it’s about the people who want to create amazing memories. It’s about the magic that happens when people allow themselves to be transported to another time and place, where anything is possible.

We are pleased to offer some wonderful travel opportunities –we still have room in our May trip to Lago Maggiore, for a week of creative writing in northern Italy. We also have a trip planned for Sicily in September. Looking ahead, we are planning a very special writing/environmental tour of Belize and a fairytale week in the Dordogne region of France. And, stay tuned for more day trip events. Also, we’d love to hear from you if you have a trip idea and want us to plan it!
